Stephanie Baker

Sr. Manager – Higher Education, Benefits Data Trust
Stephanie Baker is a Senior Manager of Higher Education at Benefits Data Trust, responsible for partnerships with institutions of higher education to drive forward the work of benefits access for meeting college students’ basic needs.
Stephanie brings over 10 years of work directly with students in higher education settings, including several years of work in case management supporting students with basic needs access and reducing barriers to degree completion. In her higher education experience, she’s seen firsthand how basic needs insecurity can undermine a student’s progress towards a degree, but also how the right support and access to basic needs security can allow students to realize their academic potential and meet career goals. Stephanie is eager to partner with postsecondary institutions to scale benefits support for students.
Stephanie earned her Master of Arts in Higher Education and Student Affairs at The Ohio State University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies from the University of Maryland, College Park.