Dr. Lovell Pugh-Bassett

Member, Camden County College
Dr. Lovell Pugh-Bassett became the sixth president of Camden County College on July 1, 2022. Dr. Pugh-Bassett previously served as the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, Advancement, and Strategic Initiatives at the College since 2021. This marked her return to higher education after 20 years with the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), having served in a number of capacities culminating in the role of Camden County Executive County Superintendent of Schools.
Dr. Pugh-Bassett’s professional introduction to education began in higher education where she served as an instructor and program coordinator for the Math/Science Upward Bound Program at Temple University. After years with Temple, she served as the program director for Upward Bound at the Community College of Philadelphia and transitioned to her work in K-12 at the NJDOE.
Her philosophy of leadership and education is the idea of merging education with advocacy. Her mission can be summed up appropriately as “I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.” Dr. Pugh-Bassett believes that her positioning at Camden County College reflects the essence of her core commitment to community and considers herself fortunate to yet again be given an opportunity to work and serve. She believes that it is, after all, the inherent mission of a community college in its service to its community.