Pathway Project Highlight: Precision Agriculture Using Drone/AI Technologies

Joseph Diaco

Professor of Mathematics, Camden County College or (856) 227-7200

Camden County College/Rowan University 

Precision Agriculture Using Drone/AI Technologies is conducted in collaboration with faculty and students from Rowan University and Camden County College. This advanced drone and AI integration project has successfully developed and implemented a cutting-edge technological approach to precision agriculture specifically tailored for blueberry farms while seamlessly merging academic research with practical application. 

The primary objectives of the project were to equip students with hands-on experience in drone technology and AI, improve the accuracy of blueberry counting and health assessment through enhanced image recognition models, and achieve proof of concept for autonomous drone missions. 

Achievements include educational enhancement, development and validation of deep learning object-detection models for crop yield and disease detection, autonomous AI drone missions’ development, student collaboration and skills improvement, faculty collaboration and mentorship, and research, development, and research development and dissemination.